Mam Easy Start Anti-Colic System

Begleys Pharmacy
In Stock
€20,00 EUR


  • 3x 260ml MAM baby bottles
  • 3x size 2 medium flow teats
  • Unique self-sterilising function
  • Vented bottle base for 80% less colic and reflux
  • MAM SkinSoft™ teat accepted by 94% of babies*
  • Free from BPA and BPS
  • Available in pink, blue and neutral, each sold separately

Product Description


This MAM Easy Start Bottle 3 Pack offers an easy switch between breast and bottle. The patented SkinSoft teats are silky soft and provide a familiar feel for babies.

Anti-Colic Bottle
MAM baby bottles feature an innovative vented base for an even drinking flow, so your baby isn’t swallowing air. This can reduce colic in 80% of cases.

The Easy Start Bottle self-sterilises in 3 simple steps for safe bottle cleaning at home or on the go. Simply heat your MAM bottle in the microwave with 20ml of water and in 3 minutes it’s safely sterilised. So there’s no need to pack a steriliser or extra bottles when you’re out and about.

SkinSoft Silicone Teats
These baby bottles feature patented teats, made with SkinSoft silicone. Not only are they the ideal shape for babies, but the soft lip rest makes it easier for your little one to feed. Plus, these options allow extra-slow drinking flow, for safer feeding.

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