Seoulista Beauty Rosy Hands Instant Manicure

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€8,99 EUR


Made from natural ingredients, this patented, double-layer hand mask is infused with Bulgarian rose complex to treat and nourish your skin, nails and cuticles.
Created by dermatologists, our ROSY HANDS Instant Manicure is a patented anti-ageing treatment that provides much-needed TLC for your precious hands. The powerful blend of antioxidants, vitamin C, beeswax and Bulgarian rose oil heals, protects, hydrates and scents skin, nails and cuticles. After just 30 minutes, you’re ready to reveal soft, smooth and more youthful-looking hands.


  • Anti-ageing treatment for hard-working hands
  • Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C to treat dark spots and pigmentation
  • Restores softness and radiance to hands, nails and cuticles


Clean hands thoroughly. Remove the gloves from the pack and gently separate them. Smooth the gloves onto your hands and use the paper strap to secure. Allow the serum to infuse for 30 minutes before removing and disposing. Smooth the remaining serum into the skin. Do not wash off.


  • Store in the fridge for a cooling and invigorating treatment
  • Wait 10 minutes before filing nails and applying nail polish
  • Portable and fast-acting – the perfect vacation essential

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