Narciso Rodriguez For Her Musc Nude EDP

Narciso Rodriguez
In Stock
€71,00 EUR
  • 30ml
  • 50ml
  • 100ml


for her MUSC NUDE is a sensual fragrance that brings a new mood of sublime delicacy to the iconic for her collection.

Designed to complement and celebrate the wearer’s own unique scent, the sublime fragrance envelops the body in a warm embrace, like a second skin.

A radiant new interpretation of the elegant and timeless chypre structure, for her MUSC NUDE eau de parfum infuses the iconic musc with delicate flower petals and warm solar facets to create an addictive, diaphanous scent that reveals the tactile sensuality of the skin.

The fragrance opens with the subtle note of pink peppercorn and a bouquet of soft abstract florals, illuminated by an accord of white jasmine blossom.

At the heart of the fragrance blooms a delicate damask rose, suffusing the iconic heart of musc, the unmistakable signature of narciso rodriguez. This seductive heart evolves to a rich base of soft wood notes, Indonesian patchouli, and tonka bean absolute – an exquisite blend that creates a warm and addictive trail.

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