La Roche Posay Hyalu B5 Eye Serum 15ml

Begleys Pharmacy
In Stock
€33,00 EUR


EW Hyalu B5 Eye Serum. Our first hydrating serum for eyes. Hydrates instantly, and the eye area appears re-plumped. Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fatigue. Helps to repair the skin barrier in 1hr. Formulated with Hyaluronic Acid, 4% Niacinamide, Vitamin B5 and Caffeine. Exclusive steel applicator, for an instant cooling and massage effect (98% agree*).

A daily hydrating and re-plumping eye serum concentrate. It's our most loved hydrating serum, now specifically formulated for the delicate eye area, where skin is up to 10x thinner and more sensitive. Formulated to target the effect of stressors on the skin around the eye contour, the hydrating serum makes the skin around the eye feel nourished (88% agree*), and more firm (90% agree*), and the eye area looks more revitalised and radiant (85% agree*).

- Re-inforces skin barrier function in 1hr
- Reduces the appearance of wrinkles, crow’s feet and fine lines
- Hydrating: 88% agreed* skin felt more moisturised
- Skin around the eyes feels firmer (90% agreed*)
- Skin around the eyes looks more revitalised, aw akened and healthier 
- Exclusive stainless steel applicator has an instant cooling, massaging effect
- Tested on all phototypes including sensitive skin
- Tested under ophthalmological control. Fragrance free

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