Bondi Sands Self Tanning Foam - Ultra Dark

Bondi Sands
In Stock
€22,50 EUR


Bondi Sands Self Tanning Foam - Ultra Dark is the ultimate Australian tan! The ideal choice if you're looking for a deep tan that still looks natural.

Why you need it:
Bondi Sands Self Tanning Foam - Ultra Dark is the deepest tan yet from Bondi Sands. Fragranced with the signature Bondi Sands coconut scent, this lightweight self tan foam is easy to apply helping you get an even, streak-free tan. You can wash off after just one hour, but to allow Bondi Sands Ultra Dark to develop in all its glory, leave for 6 hours or more before showering. Just one application will develop into a gorgeous dark tan that lasts for up to a week. If you want an even deeper tan, re-apply a second coat 30 minutes after the first application.

How to use:
Prep skin by thoroughly exfoliating beforehand, and make sure skin is clean and dry before applying. Pump the foam onto a tan applicator mitt and use long, sweeping motions to apply over your legs, arms and body. Use excess tan residue on the mitt to lightly coat hands, feet and elbows. Re-apply after 30 minutes if you want a super-dark tan.

You can wash skin after one hour, but ideally allow Bondi Sands Self Tanning Foam - Ultra Dark to develop for 6 hours before showering.


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