Giorgio Armani Acqua Di Gio ABSOLU Edp

Giorgio Armani
In Stock
€99,00 EUR
  • 40ml
  • 75ml
  • 125ml


Acqua di Gio Absolu - The Aftershave For Him

Acqua di Gio Absolu is Warm & sensual men’s fragrance inspired by where the sea meets wood.

Introducing ACQUA DI GIÒ ABSOLU fragrance for men, celebrating the union between fresh water and warm wood. Seen through the eyes of Giorgio Armani, the alliance of water and wood takes us on a journey into timeless masculinity, embracing a deeper overall consciousness.

Using marine notes and patchouli, a new bold, refined, and elegant cologne has been created. The patchouli provides the perfect balance between the aquatic fragrance and the woody aromas, creating true masculinity with a sensual twist that is at the heart of the aftershave for him. Woods overdose and ambery addictive warmness of labdanum resinoid blow masculinity and character to the cologne in the base.

The ABSOLU bottle keeps the iconic shape of Acqua di Giò but reveals its luminous amber-colored fragrance in a clear transparent glass. At the top, the unique cap made of sustainably sourced ash wood creates a perfectly balanced contrast with the shiny metallic collar.

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