Bondi Sands Aero ~ Ultra Dark

Bondi Sands
In Stock
€26,99 EUR


Bondi Sands Aero Ultra Dark is the darkest Bondi Sands tan yet! It absorbs quickly so it's touch dry in seconds, and develops in 6 hours to leave skin with a wonderfully deep, bronzed glow.

Why you need it:
Bondi Sands Aero Ultra Dark will give you a deep bronzed glow every time. The aerated foam formula of this self tan feels light as air and absorbs quickly into the skin for the most controlled and comfortable self tanning experience yet. It features dual-action tanning actives for a deep colour that lasts up to 7 days. Enriched with Vitamin E and Jojoba, Aero Ultra Dark intensely hydrates and nourishes, extending the life of your tan. The colour guide helps you get the perfect streak-free finish - use with a tan mitt for best results. Sweep on Bondi Sands Aero Ultra Dark for a fast, fuss-free, gloriously deep tan!

Free from:
Cruelty Free, Vegan

How to use:
Apply with a tan mitt for an even, streak free application. Apply Bondi Sands Aero Ultra Dark to your mitt and apply in sweeping motions across the body. Leave to develop for at least 6 hours before rinsing for a deep, bronzed glow. This aerosol foam absorbs into the skin more quickly and deeper than other self tans, so Bondi Sands recommend working on one area of the body at a time – eg left leg, right leg, stomach, chest, back, left arm, right arm.


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