Bondi Sands Reusable Self Tan Application Mitt

Bondi Sands
In Stock
€5,95 EUR


Bondi Sands Reusable Self Tan Application Mitt is a soft, velvet tanning mitt that protects your hands and helps you get the perfect streak-free tan finish.

Why you need it:
Bondi Sands Reusable Self Tan Application Mitt lets you apply an even streak-free, flawless tan every time. And what's better is that you'll never have stained hands again. Washable and reusable, perfect for tanning mists, foams and lotions. 

How to use:
Apply self-tanning product to the plain side of your self tanning mitt. Rub onto the skin in a circular motion. After use rinse mitt with warm water. Hands will remain perfectly clean.

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