Calvin klein Defy Eau De Perfum

Calvin Klein
In Stock
€74,00 EUR
  • 50ml
  • 100ml


Fresh. Courageous. Seductive. Calvin Klein Defy Eau de Parfum for Him is a provocative new Calvin Klein aftershave for the daring modern man. Defiant of boundaries and expectations, the premium CK scent builds upon the original signature woody base with an unexpected darker, warmer twist.

Opening with crisp top notes of mandarin oil and black pepper, this 
Calvin Klein scent has an irresistible fresh burst. Addictive and intense, the heart of velvety smooth leather accord offers a deep contrast to the freshness of the top notes, incorporating saffiano and rich suede in a new, rugged way. The base of vetiver oil – responsibly sourced from Haiti – anchors the vigour of this citrus perfume, adding strength, naturality and purpose to the aroma with a lasting masculine signature.

Encapsulating the very essence of the Calvin Klein man, 
this uniquely rich Calvin Klein fragrance is housed in a unique bottle evoking denim and the iconic codes of CK’s iconic minimalism. The opposing straight corners and round curves of the silhouette pair represent both sides of this defiant and confident man, vulnerability and courage, duelling components that join to tell a complex story.

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