Cerave Blemish Control Gel

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€15,50 EUR


niacinamide and barrier-strengthening ceramides.

An effective acne treatment is key for maintaining a clear, healthy complexion. Salicylic acid is a beneficial ingredient for clearing acne and preventing new breakouts, and a product that provides gentle exfoliation can help minimize the appearance of pores. An oil-free, non-drying acne gel with alpha- and beta-hydroxy acids (AHA and BHA) can help the skin look smooth and radiant without compromising the skin’s natural protective barrier or drying out skin.

CeraVe is the #1 dermatologist-recommended moisturizer brand for acne*, and our new Acne Control Gel is a lightweight, hydrating, full-face acne treatment that contains glycolic and lactic AHAs plus the BHA salicylic acid. This mild yet effective exfoliating formula clears acne, helps prevent new acne blemishes from forming and minimizes the look of pores while improving skin texture and the appearance of smoothness. Oil-free, free of drying alcohol and gentle on the skin, Acne Control Gel also replenishes the skin’s protective barrier with 3 essential ceramides that work together to lock in skins moisture and help restore your skin’s protective barrier, calms the skin with niacinamide, helps skin look noticeably clearer after 3 days and maintains healthy skin with daily use. MVE technology encapsulates ceramides to ensure efficient delivery within the skin’s barrier and slow release over time. Supporting your protective skin barrier, long after you’ve finish applying.

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