CeraVe facial Moisturising Lotion SPF 50 (AM)

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€17,50 EUR


Product details


CeraVe AM Facial Moisturising Lotion SPF 50 for Normal to Dry Skin 52ml


A daily lightweight facial moisturiser with SPF 50+ UVB/UVA protection and 3 essential ceramides, leaves skin feeling soothed, and hydrated for up to 24 hours, while protecting the skin’s natural barrier.


Developed with dermatologists, CeraVe AM Facial Moisturising Lotion SPF50+ is suitable for normal to dry skin on the face.


Also suitable for acne-prone skin.


With 3 essential ceramides and SPF50+, the gentle formula contains broad spectrum protection to defend the skin barrier against UVA & UVB rays that deplete ceramides. The fast-absorbing moisturiser also helps protect the skin against pollution particles.


Powered by CeraVe’s patented delivery system, MVE technology, the lightweight lotion offers a continuous release of moisturising ingredients throughout the day, providing up to 24-hour hydration. Skin feels calm and hydrated, and looks balanced.


Non-comedogenic. Fragrance free. Non-greasy texture.


For your daily facial routine, firstly cleanse with CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser for normal to dry skin, or CeraVe Foaming Cleanser for normal to oily skin. Secondly, give your skin a hydration boost with CeraVe Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Serum, and finally finish with CeraVe AM Facial Moisturising Lotion SPF50+ to hydrate while protecting the skin from daily aggressors.


It also contains Vitamin E and Niacinamide, and leaves skin soothed and hydrated.


Suitable for


Normal Skin
Dry Skin
Acne Prone skin


How to use


Use pump applicator to dispense product onto fingertips, or directly onto face. ▪ Apply liberally to face and neck in the morning. ▪ Avoid contact with eyes. If contact occurs rinse thoroughly with water

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