CeraVe Hyrating Hyaluronic Acid Serum

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€24,00 EUR


Hydrating hyaluronic acid serum

Hyaluronic acid is a powerful hydrating ingredient found naturally in your skin; however, your skin needs replenishment to maintain moisture levels. CeraVe Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Serum, formulated with hyaluronic acid, helps bind moisture to your skin’s surface, smoothing it and providing up to 24 hours of hydration. With three essential ceramides to restore and maintain your skin's natural protective barrier, as well as vitamin B5 to soothe your dry skin, CeraVe Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Serum provides your skin with much-needed moisture and more.

Whether you use it alone, or layered with other moisturizers, our refreshing gel-cream formula replenishes hydration, restores the skin’s protective barrier and provides instantly smoother, softer skin. With our highest concentration of hyaluronic acid, three essential ceramides, soothing vitamin B5 and patented MVE Technology, our daily-use serum supplies your skin with up to 24 hours of moisture and nourishment. Immediately after use, 90% of consumers tested said their skin felt intensely hydrated, and 98% of consumers tested said their skin felt smoother after four weeks of use.

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