Chloé L'eau De Parfum Lumineuse EDP

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€108,00 EUR
  • 50ml
  • 100ml
  • 30ml


Chloé L'Eau de Parfum Lumineuse, a fragrance that evokes the authentic femininity and free-spirited nature of the Chloé woman, is presented in the heart note with the iconic rose, which shines in unprecedented splendor. Chloe L'Eau de Parfum Lumineuse seems to have been born from the meeting of a rose and a ray of sunshine. This eau de parfum is vegan and formulated with fragrance of natural origin, alcohol*, water and nothing else.


The radiant rose is beautifully interspersed with vanilla, allowing the floral heart of the fragrance to shine with balsamic and amber undertones. Warmed by vanilla, rose reveals itself with heightened elegance, while velvety notes of Arabian jasmine reveal its exquisite lushness, intensifying the combination of sweet and floral nuances. An exceptionally feminine, sunny fragrance for all occasions that lasts all day.


This Chloé perfume is contained in a timeless glass bottle with vintage flair, topped with a shiny silver cap. The outer packaging, reflecting the radiant fragrance inside, features bright beige with silver accents, while the neck of the bottle is adorned with a hand-tied beige ribbon stitched with a pale pink thread. This unique stitching is an iconic code of Chloé's fashion and is seen for the first time on a perfume. The bottle is made of 25% recycled glass and the ribbon is made of 100% recycled polyester.


* Denatured alcohol


Top notes: Arabian jasmine

Heart note: Rose

Base note : Vanilla

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