Clarins Double Serum Eye & Makeup Collection

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€63,00 EUR


This set contains:
Double Eye Serum 20ml: The global anti-aging eye serum in a 96% natural formula with proven effectiveness on all signs of aging: smoothes wrinkles, reduces puffiness, dark circles and strengthens the skin around the eyes for a radiant youthful look.

Express Eye Makeup Remover 30ml: This eye makeup remover comes in the form of a refreshing two-phase lotion with soothing Rose and Cornflower extracts, formulated with ultra-fine oils to instantly and perfectly remove eye makeup, even intense and waterproof. The tolerance of Express Eye Makeup Remover has been ophthalmologically tested to suit the most sensitive eyes, including contact lens wearers.

Lift and Curl Mascara 3ml (Miniature): In my makeup all Clarins care. The combination of make-up results and skincare expertise.

No need to go to an institute to get the effect of a lash enhancement!
Thanks to Clarins and its brand new Supra Lift and Curl Mascara, lash enhancement is now possible in the blink of an eye and without damaging them!

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