Clarins Hand and Nail Treatment Balm

In Stock
€26,00 EUR


What is it?

Hand and Nail Treatment Balm, the rich version of the iconic Hand and Nail Treatment Cream. The formula with 26% fair trade organic shea butter provides a protective coating for hands in search of intense nourishment. With a higher concentration of shea butter and eco-friendly from formula to packaging, Hand and Nail Treatment Balm is as kind to skin as it is to the planet. It protects against environmental damage, softens, targets age spots, strengthens nails and nourishes cuticles for hands that radiate youth. The enveloping texture forms a continuous, invisible layer of protection, is non-sticky, spreads easily and absorbs instantly!

  • Skin Type: Combination, Dry, Normal, Oily
  • Texture: Balm
  • Use: Any time of day! 
What makes it so special?
  • Nourishes, protects, softens.
  • Targets age spots.
  • Strengthens nails.
Clarins Plus
Clarins Research has packed the Hand and Nail Treatment Balm with plant extracts carefully selected for their effectiveness. The formula respects skin even more with 96% natural ingredients.

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