Clarins Joli Blush

In Stock
€35,00 EUR
01 Cheeky Baby
  • 01 Cheeky Baby
  • 02 Cheeky Pink
  • 03 Cheeky Rose
  • 04 Cheeky Boum
  • 05 Cheeky Coral
  • 06 Cheeky Coral
  • 07 Cheeky Peach
  • Cheeky PINKY
  • Cheeky PEACHY


A star strong-hold blush for a truly colourful experience. Special ‘tint' pigments give your cheeks an ultra-pigmented boost in just one step, plus it has an adjustable screen so you can amp it up to match your mood. Set the perfect tone! Joli Blush is a definite head-turner that adjusts to any skin tone. It has an airy, fine, soft and lightweight texture that lets your skin breathe. It smooths the skin's texture by blending into the surface – in just one step. For absolutely irresistible cheeks...
Make-up results that are uniform and long-lasting
Skin is smoothed
Skin feels more comfortable

Custom Tab 01

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