Clarins Super Restorative Night - Dry Skin

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€106,00 EUR


An intensive night time treatment that meets the specific needs of very dry skin challenged by hormonal changes due to the ageing process.
Exclusive organic Harungana extract, a 'healing' tree from Madagascar, replenishes the skin at all levels* while an extraordinary plant extract, Montpelier cistus (a 'phoenix' plant), boosts complexion uniformity**.
Night after night, the skin is replenished, lifted and unified. Intensely nourished and moisturised, it is left radiant and glowing with beauty.

• Replenishes the skin at all levels, lifts and combats slackening
• Helps reduce the appearance of dark spots and boosts complexion uniformity
• Awakens skin radiance
• Hydrates and nourishes

Dermatologically tested. Non-comedogenic.

* In vivo et ex vivo tests.**In vitro tests.
  • Restores density to the skin at all levels*
  • Lifts and combats sagging.
  • Helps to reduce the appearance of dark spots, revives an even skin tone.
  • Restores radiance to the skin.
  • Hydrates and nourishes from within.

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