Clarins Super Restorative Serum

In Stock
€113,00 EUR


This new exceptional anti-ageing treatment lifts the features, replenishes the skin, reshapes and redefines contours and the face shape, all while diminishing the appearance of age spots.

Precious narrow-leaf plantain combined with organic harungana extract helps protect the facial contours. By limiting the elimination of lipids by adipocytes, it prevents the melting of adipose tissue caused by ageing fibroblasts. It redefines the contours of the face and preserves harmonious facial contours.

In combination, organic harungana extract, a 'healing' tree from Madagascar, reactivates hormone-depleted fibroblasts, which restores the substance of the dermis to combat the effects of gravity and help slow down skin slackening around the chin.

Organic Montpellier rock-rose extract, nicknamed the 'phoenix plant', helps visibly reduce the look of age-related dark spots and restores the complexion's luminosity.
  • Lifts the features and sculpts the contours of the face.
  • Fades wrinkles and redefines the skin.
  • Helps to visibly reduce the appearance of age-related dark spots and restores the complexion's luminosity.

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