Clevamama Bamboo Baby Washcloth

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€9,95 EUR


Bamboo Baby Washcloth 

ClevaMama® Bamboo Baby Washcloth is the must-have bathing item for all parents. Bathing your baby can be so enjoyable but also a challenge, particularly if you are bathing a newborn. With this in mind, we have designed these super soft baby bamboo washcloths to be ideal for your baby bath time and for 'top & tail'.

These beautiful quality baby washcloths are baby bath essentials, made with silky soft bamboo fibre and cotton so they’re naturally anti-bacterial, pH balanced and more absorbent than pure cotton alone. The handy loop means they can be hung up to help them dry more quickly.

A range of four soft colours in coral, blue, grey and white means they will match any nursery. The ribbed trims coordinate beautifully with our selection of apron bath towels, another baby bath essential, making these the perfect combination for a baby shower or new arrival gift.

Ideal for baby bath time,  top and tail wash, or for keeping little faces clean all day!

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