Clevamama Clevafoam Infant Pillow

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€22,95 EUR


ClevaFoam® Infant Pillow

At ClevaMama, we know that nothing is more precious than your baby's sleep. It's so important for growth and development. Our supportive and breathable ClevaFoam® Infant Pillow has been designed to protect and support your baby's soft round head and neck while sleeping on their back as recommended by medical experts.

    Our advanced ClevaFoam® technology protects the round shape of your baby's head to help prevent Flat Head Syndrome (Plagiocephaly). Researched and developed with the European University, Trinity College of Dublin, Ireland, it is scientifically proven to reduce pressure on the back of your baby's head by 50% and to increase support by 80% (Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland).

    The uniquely formulated ClevaFoam® with its open cell structure is 100% breathable, has significantly reduced heat retention and is remarkably lightweight. For your baby’s comfort and safety, it is hypoallergenic, pH balanced, and toxin and formaldehyde free.  Suitable for babies with asthma and allergies.

    ClevaFoam Infant Pillow size is H 19cm x W 26cm x D 3.5cm.

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