Clevamama Multi-Purpose Edge Guard

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€18,95 EUR


Protect your child from the impact of falls and knocks with the soft cushiony foam barrier that is the Clevamama Multi-Purpose Edge Guard. Specifically designed to absorb the force of collision; preventing serious injury, the Clevamama Multi-Purpose Edge Guard is a must-have home safety solution. Easily secured into place with double sided tape, the Multi-Purpose Edge Guard can be cut to fit as required, moulding to the corners of tables, kitchen islands, shelves and door frames neatly and securely.

Top Features : 

  • The Clevamama Multi-Purpose Edge Guard provides a soft cushiony foam barrier that absorbs falls and collision while protecting your child from sharp edges
  • Reusable & easy to assemble
  • BPA, PVC and Phthalate Free, Fire Retardent, Non-Toxic and complies with EN 71-3
  • The Multi-Purpose Edge Guard comes in a 4-metre roll and can be cut to fit any surface edge. Simply trim pieces to the desired length


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