Dolce & Gabbana The One For Her

Dolce & Gabbana
In Stock
€135,00 EUR
  • 75ml
  • 50ML
  • 30ML


Dolce & Gabbana The One Eau de Parfum Spray

The One by Dolce & Gabbana is a floral oriental fragrance for women.

This rich fragrance is introduced with luscious hints of lychee, peach and mandarin combined with bergamot. The sensual heart beats gently with notes of madonna lily and jasmine on a deep base of amber, musk, vetiver and vanilla.

Dolce & Gabbana has created this bold perfume to match the sophisticated modern woman. One whiff of the oriental, yet sweet blend is enough to turn heads, which is where the scent got its name; ‘The One’.

The golden bottle was made to be cherished with her luxurious look, a wink to traditional perfumery packaging.

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