Elizabeth Arden Advanced Ceramide Capsules - Daily Youth Restoring Eye Serum

Elizabeth Arden
In Stock
€66,00 EUR


"Leveraging more than 25 years of research, Elizabeth Arden has updated the existing Ceramide Eye Capsule formula, adding 9 new ingredients to not only replenish essential, naturally-occurring lipids, but also help support skin’s natural renewal process and target the key signs of aging around the eyes for a younger and brighter look. The result is a serum that immediately enhances skin’s natural barrier, increases moisturization within the surface of the skin, and minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Did you know?
The eye contour has the thinnest, most fragile skin on the entire face*. Advanced Ceramide Eye Capsules are formulated specifically for the delicate skin around the eye and to target visible imperfections such as crow’s feet, crepiness and puffiness.

Precise. Potent. Targeted for Eyes.
Each golden capsule is biodegradable, fragrance and preservative-free—designed to deliver a fresh, concentrated dose of moisture-boosting serum packed with even more advanced Ceramide technology than before.

Clinically tested to improve the look of2:
Crow’s feet, fine lines and wrinkles
Firmness and elasticity
Skin texture and clarity
Undereye discolorations

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