Elizabeth Arden Prevage Body Total Transforming Anti Ageing Moisturiser 200ml

Elizabeth Arden
Out Of Stock
€70,00 EUR
€140,00 EUR


You’re only 6 weeks away from healthier looking skin all over. This high-performance moisturizer combines Idebenone and Tripeptide Complex to zero in on your body's anti-aging skincare needs.

Fortified with Idebenone – the most powerful antioxidant available today.

Idebenone has been tested under the rigorous EPF Environmental Protection Factor protocol. EPF assesses how much protection you’ll get against environmental aggressors such a stress, pollution, and smoke- all of which accelerate the signs of aging. When tested, Idebenone scores an EP rating of 95 out of 100. In fact, testing has shown that Idebenone outperforms the leading antioxidants alpha lipoic acid, kinetin, vitamin C, vitamin E, and coenzyme Q10 in preventing oxidative stress.

  • IMPROVES sun-damaged skin
  • MINIMIZES the look of marks and minor scars
  • REDUCES the look of age spots and discolorations
  • FIRMS and tones the appearance of dimpled skin
  • BRIGHTENS skin
  • DECREASES fine lines and wrinkles
  • EVENS skin tone and texture
  • SOFTENS and smoothes skin

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