Giorgio Armani My Way Eau de Parfum

Giorgio Armani
In Stock
€76,00 EUR
  • 30ml
  • 50ml
  • 90ml


Giorgio Armani, designer of timeless fragrances, unveils its new fragrance; MY WAY.
Through meaningful connections to others, one finds the path to the truest version of oneself.
MY WAY is inspired by the genuine search for meaning and authenticity that lies outside oneself, ultimately creating a more profound way of being. Through the influence of serendipitous encounters and new experiences, one discovers one’s own multifaceted depths. Intimate yet universal, “I am what I live” encapsulates this ethos.

MY WAY is a contemporary floral fragrance with a fusion of white flowers at its heart.
The fragrance is composed of the finest natural ingredients: Vanilla is sourced from Madagascar through an inclusive program that benefits local communities, while the Tuberose is harvested in India. In creating the notes, craftsmanship meets innovation, as the Tuberose heart is extracted using molecular distillation, allowing the perfumers to select the creamy, velvety facets tailor-made for MY WAY. The Orange blossom note is extracted in Egypt using an innovative, exclusive and entirely natural enfleurage process, whose cold extraction method infuses the Orange flowers in Orange essence. The artisanal approach finally translates in the manual weighing and blending of the fragrance’s concentrate in Grasse creates pure, highly-refined notes with enhanced radiance and naturality.

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