Giorgio Armani Stronger With You Intensely

Giorgio Armani
In Stock
€72,00 EUR
  • 50ml
  • 100ml


This intense fragrance for men is based around a warm vanilla heart and vibrant ambery woods accord, with a contrast of pink pepper notes. The aged cognac colour perfectly embodies the intense character of the new fragrance. Spurred by the success of its first two seasons followed by more than eight million YouTube viewers, Emporio Armani's web series ''Together Stronger'' grows in 2019 with the release of a new episode set in a summery Mediterranean Europe urban landscape - ''Together we are shooting stars''. Crafted around the same unbreakable strength of togetherness captured by the lens of Fabien Constant, they star the same young couple, irresistibly in love, challenging each other every day emotionally and physically, pushing the boundaries of their love and making it stronger.

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