Gucci Guilty Pour Femme EDT

In Stock
€96,00 EUR
  • 90ml
  • 50ml
  • 30ml


Freedom and unconventional love inspire the new Gucci Guilty Eau de Toilette pour Femme bottle design and packaging, revealing the notion of women who are truly liberated. Reimagined in Alessandro Michele’s creative vision, the flacon is designed to echo the silhouette of the counterpart men’s fragrance, reflecting the equal standing of the women and men they represent.

  • Top notes of Mandarin are blended with Pink Pepper for a bright and vibrant freshness.
  • Heart notes of Lilac combined with the fruity blend of Peach and Raspberry and with notes of Egyptian Geranium resulting in a delicate and harmonious contrast.
  • Base notes of Patchouli combined with Ambery echo the base notes of the Eau de Parfum to bring strength and sensuality to the juice.
  • New codes of femininity are formed in the Gucci Guilty bottle design, now presented in a shade of metallic rose gold. The heavy glass flacon is partly wrapped in the new coloured metal with a matching cap, and partly in a transparent glass to reveal the pale pink juice inside. The scent is encased in a black outer packaging, accented with a rose gold logo featuring the House’s interlocking G.

Custom Tab 01

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