Hugo Boss - Boss The Scent Pure Accord For Men Edt

Hugo Boss
In Stock
€83,00 EUR
  • 50ml
  • 100ml


Hugo Boss The Scent Pure Accord EDT is an incredible seductive fragrance for the man who is always on the hunt for the ultimate climax. This delicious and masculine Eau De Toilette , intoxicates your senses and is one of the easiest ways to boost your self-confidence and your charisma. Because with just a little spice, you will immediately be able to feel how you want to straighten your back, and take both the world, and not least the opposite sex by storm.

A completely complete scent that gives the body a kick, and sets the imagination in motion. If you are a man who loves to show off, who loves attention, and who believes there is not a single goal on your path that you can not put down, then this is a sure winner.

All this is due to the amazing balance of notes with which this is enriched. These consist of, among other things, powerful gingerexotic maninca fruit, as well as deep, warm and intense skin. When combined, they have the perfect harmony between the soft, the warm, the energetic and the masculine. And who will not enjoy a man who the moment he enters the room radiates profit and extravagance.

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