Hugo Boss - Boss The Scent Pure Accord For Her Edt

Hugo Boss
In Stock
€52,80 EUR
€66,00 EUR
  • 30ml
  • 50ml


  • The BOSS The Scent Pure Accord luminous fragrance duo explores a new take on seduction, in which the BOSS man and woman are engaged in an intimate and sensual game of equals.
  • The scent for women is the powerful extension of a sensual tale of complicity and closeness.
  • BOSS The Scent Pure Accord for Her shines with opening notes of bergamot and a radiant heart of sensual Osmanthus flower. A dry down of engulfing musk rounds up the aroma, gracefully combining gentleness and power.
  • The style of the package and perfume bottle displays the feminine character of the fragrance. With its light peach-coloured juice secured in a glass bottle capped with a light champagne top. The complementing outer packing is decorated with warm skin, grey and champagne gold shades.

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