Hugo Boss - Hugo Man (Green) Edt

Hugo Boss
In Stock
€55,00 EUR
  • 40ml
  • 75ml
  • Deodorant Stick 75ml
  • 125ml


Uplift, re-energise and boost your mood – HUGO MAN is an aftershave to suit a man on the move. Featuring a flask-shaped bottle design that’s easily transportable, to be taken on-the-go as the day unfolds with endless possibility; wherever your next adventure may begin.

Enhance your confidence; the fresh fragrance for men opens with crisp and juicy apples at the top, followed by an herbaceous heart of aromatic green notes to add an element of brightness. A base of fir balsam is reminiscent of a walk in the woods, taking on a fougère tone before rounding down to a woody finish with masculine sandalwood and cedar wood notes. Intensely aromatic, with lush green notes and a masculine edge, this is the perfect choice for the outdoors-type who enjoys exploring; representing a man who isn’t afraid to go after what he wants.

Wherever adventure may lead, grab a bottle of HUGO MAN to start the journey.

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