Hugo Boss Ma Vie Pour Femme EDP

Hugo Boss
In Stock
€61,00 EUR
  • 30ml
  • 50ml


Hugo Boss Ma Vie is a fresh floral feminine fragrance. Launched in 2014, the scent perfectly complements a unique and confident woman with its alluring and sensual aroma. Inspired by the strong and unique beauty of the cactus flower, the scents invites you to take time to savour your life. This sublimely feminine fragrance captures the sun-soaked freshness of the cactus blossom in its opening notes, blending into a blooming bouquet of delicate rose buds, pink freesia and jasmine petals to create a natural floracy. Warmth is enhanced in the base with sheer woods and cedarwood to form a mesmerising signatureFresh, indulgent and fulfilling this fragrance will hold you captive.

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