Hugo Boss - The Scent Absolute Edp

Hugo Boss
In Stock
€103,00 EUR
  • 50ml
  • 100ml


BOSS THE SCENT Absolute For Him offers a richer and more intense interpretation of the original BOSS THE SCENT masculine aftershave. Its signature ingredients – stimulating Ginger and exotic Maninka fruit – combine with the arousing power of Mondia roots and the elegance of Vetiver to create an absolutely seductive, absolutely addictive Eau de Parfum for men.

Spicy, stimulating top notes of Ginger entice, pulling the senses irresistibly into the perfume’s aphrodisiac core: a hypnotic heart blending the addictive, rum-laced sweetness of the Maninka fruit with the sensuality of Mondia roots. Vetiver brings a smoky, virile elegance to the base note of the fragrance, as it dries down and lingers seductively on the skin.

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