Inis Revitalising Body Lotion

In Stock
€17,50 EUR
  • 200ml
  • 500ml
  • 85ml


Created by popular demand (our seaweed enriched Body Lotion is our #1 selling body care item!), the Large Inis Body Lotion delivers value as well as skin-restoring moisture. 

Our ultra popular body lotion is enriched with deep moisturising shea butter and seaweed extracts - packed with vitamins, minerals and trace elements that can help nourish the skin - and also contains antioxidant-rich vitamin E and provitamin B5. 

Smooth on after bath or shower to seal in moisture and leave skin scented with Inis Energy of the Sea - the sparkling scent that makes you feel happy.

  • Deep moisturising shea butter base
  • Enriched with skin restoring seaweed extracts
  • Contains antioxidants vitamin E and B5
  • Revitalises, softens and smooths the skin with regular use
  • Makes an excellent after sun lotion


  • Made in Ireland
  • Paraben free
  • Never tested on animals

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