Issey Miyake L'eau D'issey Pout Homme Vétiver Edt Intense 50ml

Issey Miyake
In Stock
€59,00 EUR
€79,00 EUR


Dive into the masculine allure of L'Eau D'Issey Pour Homme Vetiver, a signature scent from the famed design house of Issey Miyake. This men's EDT spray is an aromatic embodiment of sophistication and charm, making it a perfect accessory for the modern man.

The top notes of this fragrance open with a zesty burst of ginger, stimulating your senses and setting a vibrant tone. Following this invigorating beginning, the heart notes of clary sage take the stage, adding a layer of calming herbal aroma that speaks to the soul. The fragrance journey concludes with base notes of vetiver, leaving a lasting impression of earthy warmth and resilience.

Issey Miyake, a brand synonymous with style and luxury, has meticulously crafted this fragrance. L'Eau D'Issey Pour Homme Vetiver is more than just a scent; it's a statement of elegance and individuality. Whether you're in a business meeting or a casual outing, this fragrance enhances your presence and leaves a memorable trail.

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