La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo+M

Begleys Pharmacy
In Stock
€21,50 EUR


Introducing, an anti-blemish moisturiser that effectively corrects and deeply hydrates skin. Experience visible results in just 8 hours.*

Our specialised formula provides triple targeted efficacy, specifically designed for those with oily-combination, blemish-prone skin. This powerful solution is formulated to target various skin concerns including blackheads, blemishes and post-acne marks, even severe, stubborn imperfections. Gently exfoliates with Salicylic Acid to unclog pores and help prevent spots & breakouts. Notably, it's suitable for all skin tones and particularly beneficial for individuals prone to acne. It holds the prestigious title of UK’s #1 Cream for Blemish-Prone Skin.**

*Consumer test, 54 subjects, after 1 application.

**©2023 NielsenIQ Value sales, Female Facial Problem skincare (client defined), Cream segment, w/e 28/01/2023.


This mild moisturiser has undergone rigorous testing under dermatological control. It holds a non-comedogenic designation and is exceptionally fitting for individuals who might be susceptible to acne. 


Anti-Blemish for blackheads, blemishes, post-acne marks and pink/brown pigmentation reduction. Experience rapid visible results in just 8HR with our accelerated action.*

Effectively unclogs pores, reducing spots & breakouts.

Enjoy 24HR Hydration. Hypoallergenic, non comedogenic and dermatologically tested.

Revolutionary Phylobioma active ingredient targets Phylotype IA1, significantly reducing appearance of blemishes, even severe ones, across all skin tones.

Ideal for both teenagers and adults.

Combat post-acne Marks & PIH (Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation): fading appearance of stubborn marks and gives a more even skin tone appearance.

Benefit from 3 Months Anti-Recurrence*** period, preventing blemish reappearance.

Moisturising and soothing, suitable for acne-prone individuals, including those using prescribed Benzoyl Peroxide. Even accomodates sensitive skin.

For weakened or fragile skin due to over-drying treatments, Effaclar H Iso-Biome Cream caters to specific skin needs.

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