La Roche-Posay Effaclar Purifying Foaming Gel

La Roche-Posay
In Stock
€22,00 EUR



Who is this for

For men and women who have combination, oily, and blemish-prone skin. Specifically formulated for sensitive skin.


A facial wash for oily skin. Gently cleanses the skin thanks to its high tolerance foaming power. Helps to eliminate impurities and excess sebum, leaving the skin feeling clean and fresh. Contains La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water. Can also be used as a body wash.


Skin is cleansed of impurities and excess sebum with a feeling of freshness. Doesn't over dry the skin.

  • Purifying foaming gel for oily skin
  • No parabens
  • Soap free
  • 100% hypoallergenic skincare
  • Non-comedogenic
  • High concentration of selected ingredients with Thermal Spring Water
  • Minimal ingredients and fragrance
  • Tested on sensitive skin

Preparation and Usage

Use every morning and/or evening. Wet your hands, then take a small amount of gel and work up a lather. Apply to the face, massaging gently. Rinse well with water.

Custom Tab 01

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