La Roche-Posay Hyalu B5 Serum

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€45,00 EUR


An intensely hydrating serum that is clinically proven to re-plump skin and accelerate skin repair


Specifically formulated for de-hydrated skin that is showing signs of aging - loss of volume and skin elasticity with fine lines or wrinkles.

  • Skin immediately recovers bounce, suppleness and a fresh complexion
  • After 4 hours, elasticity & firmness are improved by 24% and skin is 70% more hydrated
  • After a month of use, 87% had more elastic and even skin and 71% agreed their wrinkles looked reduced


Hyaluronic acid effectively plumps the skin and in doing so, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as improving skin hydration and texture. This formula contains two different sized molecules of Hyaluronic Acid. The larger molecule works on the surface of the skin to reduce wrinkles and re-plump the skin. The smaller molecule is able to penetrate more deeply into the skin to increase skin volume.

Vitamin B5 helps improve the skin's natural repairing process and helps stimulate repair of damaged skin.

Madecassoside accelerate helps stimulate collagen synthesis which gives skin its firm and elastic quality.

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