La Roche-Posay Hydraphase HA Rich 50ml

La Roche-Posay
In Stock
€24,00 EUR


Delivering rich moisture, the La Roche Posay face cream helps to revitalise and nourish your complexion. Perfect for anyone suffering from dryness, the moisturiser harnesses the powers of Green Technology to lock in essential water for up to 72 hours. This involves using a biofermentation process, combining plant sugars to fill your skin with goodness. It can help to improve the appearance of fine lines caused by a lack of moisture as well as signs of fatigue.

The formula is enriched with a whole host of beneficial ingredients such as Hyaluronic Acid. This is taken from a natural origin and helps your skin to draw moisture from the air for a suppler, softer feel. Finished off with La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water, the moisturiser soothes and calms the surface of your skin for increased comfort.

Over time, skin will seem plumper and smoother for a more luminous radiance. The minimalist formula offers highly targeted treatment to really bring relief to dry areas.

Dermatologically tested. Non-comedogenic.

Suitable for sensitive skin. Hypoallergenic.

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