La Roche-Posay Toleraine Ultra Dermallegro Serum

La Roche-Posay
In Stock
€34,00 EUR



An intensely hydrating and soothing serum that is clinically proven to reduce signs of sensitivity such as dryness, tightness and itchiness.


Our first neurosensine concentrated serum to act as a daily drop of power for ultra-sensitive skin. It immediately hydrates the skin for up to 48h and restores the skin barrier to help protect against future reactions. Clinically proven to reduce signs of sensitivity such as dryness, tightness and itchiness. Its light and refreshing texture immediately soothes and relieves sensitive skin, providing high efficacy with high tolerance. Specifically formulated for sensitive, reactive skin prone to dryness, tightness and, itchiness. Also suitable for use on allergy-prone skin.


  • The NEW TOLERIANE Ultra Dermallergo serum is enriched with 0.1% of neurosensine, which is a dipeptide derivative, a protein component that can be naturally found in the body. Combined with anti-irritation Thermal Spring Water from La Roche-Posay and osmolyte, this formula intensely soothes the skin and restores the skin barrier.


    • This gentle comforting serum has been through rigorous dermatological testing to ensure it is suitable for use on sensitive skin and allergy-prone skin.


The minimalist, fragrance-free formula is designed for sensitive skin and its needs. Tested and re-tested for its efficacy and mildness on sensitive skin. The formula is also hypoallergenic.

  • 9/10 dermatologists would recommend La Roche-Posay for sensitive skin*

*Survey conducted on 267 dermatologists by La Roche-Posay in the UK, July 2019

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