Lacoste - L'Homme Intense Edt

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€50,00 EUR
  • 50ml
  • 100ml



L’Homme Lacoste Intense stands out with its winning temperament. Its tenacity and boldness are the keys to its success and charisma, the source of its distinctive seductive power.

The top notes unite delicious quince and rhubarb, enhanced with a zest of mandarin and orange. At the heart of the fragrance, spices swirl together to form an intensely energetic cocktail: vibrant black pepper, ginger and jasmine burst forth, barely mellowed by a drizzle of almond. Here we find all the strength and vivacity that characterize the famous crocodile.

The base notes team up power and masculinity. Dominant cedarwood and akigalawood notes take on a touch of exoticism brought by amber and vanilla. Vetiver and cypriol roots add an extra dose of intensity, body and seduction that make L’Homme Lacoste Intense an unique male fragrance.

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