L'Homme Lacoste Eau De Toilette Spray

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€42,00 EUR
€56,00 EUR
  • 50ml
  • 100ml


For the elegant and masculine man, L’HOMME LACOSTE Eau de Toilette is the new men’s aftershave that captures the essence of modern style.

The words of René Lacoste – “Without elegance, playing and winning are not enough” – resonate in this woody, spicy scent and the sleek, refined silhouette of the perfume bottle.   

Every facet of the fragrance complements the modern, active lifestyle of the Lacoste man, today – from the dynamic top notes of mandarin and rhubard to the energising heart of black pepper and ginger. His timeless elegance is revealed in a masculine and sensuous woody base, featuring cedar wood with dry amber, musk, vanilla and Akigalawood.

The tall and masculine flacon is a subtle echo of Lacoste’s heritage, inspired by the graphic lines and colour of a clay tennis court. Positioned on the front is a silver crocodile; Lacoste’s icon, which captures the tenacious spirit of the brand – and its newest masculine scent.

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