Marc Jacobs Daisy Edt

Marc Jacobs
In Stock
€86,00 EUR
  • 30ml
  • 50ml
  • 100ml


"A daisy is a friendly flower, not precious, not exotic, but it evokes a spirit in a lot of women.
- Marc Jacobs

Daisy Marc Jacobs is the same iconic, pure fragrance that's charmingly simple with a signature quality. It transports you to a place that is beautiful, optimistic and pure. The scent embodies the essence of the daisy girl who wears it: timeless, yet young-at-heart. She is a reminder to be playful, open and loving while radiating positive energy. The bottle is the embodiment of sophistication and vintage charm. Inspired by its name, the daisy flower is turned into a whimsical bottle shape. The weighted block of clear glass with soft, rounded edges is classic and luxurious, while the scattering of daisies blooming from the rounded gold metal hardware creates an unexpected, retro-cool twist.

The top of the fragrance is infused with succulent wild berries and soft white violets, leaving an irresistibly fresh and radiant scent on the skin. At the heart, velvety jasmine wraps with each note, complimenting the vibrancy of the florals. A dreamy drydown of sandalwood imparts an aura of warmth and sensuality, creating a delicate and romantic contrast within the fragrance.

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