Mervue Organic -Superfruit Body Lotion

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€25,00 EUR



Vegan and certified organic with antioxidant superfruits, this body lotion is high in vitamins A and C and micro-nutrients that help protect the skin. This blend includes acai, chia, cranberry, acerola, moringa and sea buckthorn, creating the building blocks for healthy skin.

Size: 200ml


• Fragranced with geranium and lavender essential oils.

• Restore your skin with Mervue Organic superfruit body lotion with organic cranberry. Packed full of beneficial ingredients.  

• Plant based botanicals and organic vitamin E protect the skin's surface layers, creating smoother softer skin.

• High in omega acids which increase hydration leaving a smooth, silky finish.

• Lavender and geranium organic essential oils benefit the skin and also your senses - leaving a gentle aroma to calm both your body and mind.


• Smooth lotion all over clean dry skin after you bath or shower.

• Massage in gently so that the active ingredients and organic butters absorb completely.

• This botanical body lotion was formulated to work even better when used in tandem with our superfruit body wash No 6.

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