Mervue Organic - Superfruit Body Wash

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€20,00 EUR



Botanical ingredients aloe vera and glycerine are the natural humectants attracting moisture to your skin and keeping it soft and supple.

Nourishing superfruit, stimulating chai provides instant hydration, helping to support the skin's surface barrier.

Organic lavender and geranium essential oils cleanse and nourish the skin while producing a natural aroma to soothe and calm the senses. English lavender is a relaxing oil, steam distilled from the flowers and leaves of the English lavender plant. Naturally soothing & calming for your body, mind and contributing to your well-being.

Geranium essential oil is an uplifting oil and has a beautiful floral scent. Distilled from the geranium leaves and flowers it helps to restore balance to your skin while re-balancing your emotions and hormones by enhancing your mood

Size: 200ml


• Fragranced with geranium and lavender essential oils.

• Vegan and low foaming, this certified organic formula is ideal for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

• Contains only natural plant-based ingredients and natural botanical extracts which provide gentle but effective cleansing while protecting the skin.

• Glycerin, a plant-based humectant softens and soothes while attracting moisture to the skin.

• Includes hydrating jojoba for stimulation, a potent source of vitamins A and C, which are the key elements of healthy skin. These are the building blocks of the skin's surface layers.


• Apply liberally to damp skin in the bath or shower.

• Gently massage into a lather and rinse off thoroughly, avoiding the eye area.

• This body wash was formulated to work even better when used in tandem with our superfruit body lotion No 7.

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