Mugler Angel Eau De Parfum - Refillable Star

In Stock
€148,00 EUR
  • 100ml
  • 50ml
  • 25ml
  • 15ml


Like a star shooting across the heavens, the Angel Star is not a perfume bottle but a multi-faceted gem reflecting light and shadow, blue and silver, energy and desire. A celestial star that encapsulates a heavenly fragrance, a seductive fragrance for angels, women who are a little angelic, a little devilish, or maybe a little of both.

Angel eau de parfum is MUGLER's first adventure in perfumes and it has become an icon: the first blue fragrance, the first sensual gourmand fragrance. A fragrance that invites women to relive warm childhood memories as though in a dream, a reassuring escape as seductive and passionate as the woman who wears the Angel fragrance.
Available in 25ml, 50ml, and refillable versions so you need never go without.

Fragrance notes: bergamot, sweet red fruits, praline, vanilla, caramel and patchouli.

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