My Clarins The Essentials Gift Set

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€20,00 EUR


– Clarins Re-Boost Refreshing Hydrating Cream All Skin Types 50ml:
A deeply hydrating cream that replenishes the skin’s moisture. The Re-Boost Refreshing Hydrating Cream provides lasting hydration for all day long, helping to protect the skin against pollution whilst balancing out the skin’s natural balance. Improves skin texture whilst soothing irritation and redness. Features detoxifying alpenrose, hydrating fig extract, goji berries to boost energy, acerola fruit to increase skin brightness and tamarin for improved texture.

Suitable for vegans.

To use: Apply mornings to the cleansed, dry, face and neck.

– Clarins Re-Move Purifying Cleansing Gel 30ml:
The Re-Move Purifying Cleansing Gel features a plant-based cleansing formula that lifts and removes all trace of makeup. Purifies the skin whilst reducing the appearance of pores and eliminating excess oil. Preserves the skin’s natural balance and protects it against pollution. Meadowsweet extract purifies the skin whilst bitter orange flower extract helps to keep the skin soft.

Suitable for vegans.

To use: Apply to the damp face mornings and evenings. Work into a lather before rinsing thoroughly.

– Clarins Re-Charge Relaxing Sleep Mask 15ml:
Energising tired skin, the Relaxing Sleep Mask replenishes skin moisture and brightens the complexion, ensuring renewed vigour for when morning comes. Provides anti-pollution care, removing pollutants and toxins from the skin throughout the night. Organic coconut water provides the skin with nutrients, alpenrose and huang qi detoxify the skin, fig hydrates and acerola fruit increases skin brightness.

Suitable for vegans.

To use: Apply evenings to the cleanse, dry, face and neck before sleep. Apply daily as a night cream or 1-3 times a week as a mask.

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