Narciso Rodriguez Narciso Poudree Edp For Her

Narciso Rodriguez
SKU: 3423478840355
In Stock
€68,00 EUR
  • 30ml
  • 50ml
  • 90ml


With his line 'Narciso', Narciso Rodriguez creates a set of perfumes that plays with the extremes of seduction and attraction. Enter 'Narciso Poudrée' Eau de Parfum - a feminine fragrances that channels its wearer's beauty from within, building on this mystery of attraction. The fragrance - Powerfully feminine, 'Narciso' Eau de Parfum Poudrée enwraps the body in an intensity that's sweet and unique. The patented heart of musc, found only in Narciso Rodriguez fragrances, is combined with white jasmine at the top and woody vetiver at the base. This powdery fragrance, as the name suggests, is only strengthened with the addition of black cedar and vetiver. The bottle - An original bottle, the lacquered glass cube matches its cap to the bottle, the lacquer contouring towards the base in a semi-oval shape. It sits beautifully on its own as well as alongside other fragrances from the 'Narciso' line.

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