Prevage Clarity Targeted Skin Tone Corrector

Elizabeth Arden
Out Of Stock
€70,00 EUR
€140,00 EUR


See dark spots begin to fade in just 14 days.


Age spots and other discolorations are among the most obvious signs of aging, but 80% of women tested* found both were less noticeable with continued use of PREVAGE Anti-Aging Targeted Skin Tone Corrector with Idebenone. That’s because  Idebenone, the most powerful antioxidant**, teams up with Soy-Ferulate-C to instantly brighten and smooth out your skin and bring your even-toned, younger-looking skin to light.

This targeted treatment:
  • Gives your skin a brightening boost

     Helps minimize the appearance of visible aging signs – dark spots, age spots, freckles and discolorations.

  • Helps restore your skin’s uncompromised clarity and a youthful-looking glow.

Test Results:
  • 61% of women tested an improvement in the appearance of dark spots in as little as 14 days.

WIth continued use, women saw the following results:
  • 88% saw skin imperfections minimized.
  • 80% found dark spots and discolorations less noticeable.
  • 80% saw a correction to the appearance of in existing dark spots and discolorations.
  • 72% saw a visible reduction in the intensity of dark spots. 
  • 83% saw brighter, more even-toned skin.***

Custom Tab 01

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