Q - By Dolce & Gabbana Edp

Dolce & Gabbana
In Stock
€75,00 EUR
  • 30ml
  • 50ml
  • 100ml


Q by Dolce & Gabbana is a fragrance with fruity and floral notes, enriched by a strong woody base. The fresh taste of Sicilian Lemons combined with the contrasting sweet and sour flavors of Cherry gives the perfume a refined yet bold scent.

The design of the cap features a regal gold crown enhanced by a cherry red tone. Passion, love, and energy inspired the design of the fragrance. The scent is enclosed in a heavy-glass bottle in a delicate pink colour.

TOP - The fragrance opens with the sparkling citrus notes of Sicilian Lemon and red-orange accompanied by delicate Jasmine petals.

HEART - At the heart of the Dolce&Gabbana Q Eau de Parfum fragrance lies the sweet and crunchy note of Cherry that is seduced by the creamy heliotrope.

BASE - Notes of Cedarwood, Crystal Musk, and soft Musk give the bouquet an intensely powerful touch.

Passion and energy. Power and seduction. Q by Dolce&Gabbana is a perfume that makes every woman feel like a contemporary Queen.

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