Seoulista Beauty Brightening Instant Facial Sheet Mask

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€8,99 EUR


Made from natural ingredients, this one-step brightening face mask is infused with vitamin C and AHA’s to brighten dull, uneven skin tones.

Created by dermatologists, our BRIGHTENING Instant Facial™ is a natural coconut gel-like mask infused with an antioxidant-rich formula to help correct your skin tone. Vitamin C and AHA’s exfoliate the skin and smooth its texture while fading dark spots and pigmentation caused by sun damage. After just 20 minutes, your skin is hydrated and smooth, revealing a more radiant and even-toned complexion.

Seoulista Beauty™ Instant Facials™ are free from parabens, mineral oil, sulphates and artificial colours.


  • Exfoliates and hydrates the skin
  • Antioxidants fade and prevent dark spots and pigmentation
  • Corrects and brightens your skin tone


Cleanse your face thoroughly. Remove mask from packaging, unfold, and peel off protective film. Press the mask to your face and peel off the outer layer, then smooth to fit facial contours. Allow the serum to infuse for 20 minutes before removing. Do not wash off. Smooth the remaining serum into the skin.


  • Wait 30 minutes before applying makeup then see how easily it glides on.
  • Time precious? Use the night before and wake up to party-perfect skin.
  • Use the extra serum in the pack as a bonus treat for neck and hands
  • Prep your skin by cleansing thoroughly with a konjac sponge before application.
  • Time precious? Use the night before and wake up to party-perfect skin.
  • For best results, use weekly.

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